Boston, MA

Position Desired

Mechanical Engineering
Anywhere in MA


Entry level Mechanical Engineer with hands on project work. Team player with ability to anticipate and resolve technical issues.

Boston University College of Engineering, Boston, MA
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, May 2015

Product Design, Energy and Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Electro-Mechanical System Design, Structural Mechanics, Invention, Introduction to Computer Aided Design, Technology Ventures, Mechanics of Materials, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics.

Raider Widget:
 Sponsored by Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation to Model and 3D print a miniature S-97 RAIDER to be given out at trade shows, in a group of 2 engineers.
 Modeled the S-97 RAIDER in Solidworks with a hollow body and the propellers as separate parts.
 Modeled gears inside the RAIDER so that turning one propeller would turn all the propellers.
 3D printed the S-97 RAIDER using a Makerbot and ABS plastic.

Flying Cut Off Saw:
 Designed a flying cut off saw meant for industrial production of aluminum pipe segments of various sizes in a group of 3 engineers.
 The machine was designed using Pugh charts and modeled using Solidworks.
 Sourced and created a bill of materials for the machine.
 Gave a presentation about the machine and its merits to a large group of professors and students.

Custom Board Game:

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