
Makawao, HI

Position Desired

Computer Engineering
Anywhere in CA; Anywhere in CO; Anywhere in HI; Anywhere in NM; Anywhere in NV; Anywhere in OR; Anywhere in TX; Anywhere in UT; Anywhere in WA


Skills: Computer Languages: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, C, C#, ML, and PHP
Development Environments: Lunix, Visual Studio


Santa Clara University, 2010 – 2014 (Graduated)
Computer Science and Engineering

Relevant Coursework: Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Programming Languages, Mobile Application Development w/ iOS, Advanced Data Structures, Software Engineering, Databases, Compiler Construction & Formal Language Theory

Awards: Computer Engineering Award for Technical Excellence from Santa Clara Engineering Department

Employment Experiences:

Haleakala Solar Incorporated – Summer 2012, 2013
Analyzed production of operational solar panels
Notified service manager of shading and production inefficiencies
Analyzed and improved upon in use business work-flow software
Started development on new company work-flow manager

Andrew Fox, MD. LLC – Summers 2009, 2010, 2011
Transitioned medical records from physical copies to el...

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