
Seattle, WA

Position Desired

Software Engineering
Seattle, WA


Strong background in 3D Graphical design and html responsive UI with the ability to take a concept to reality in a short amount of time.

Coding Dojo Web Development Bootcamp, Seattle, WA
Achieved Black Belt (2015) - First student in the history of the school to obtain a black belt in the Java Spring MVC Framework.

Dev Boot Camp, Chicago, IL
Graduated (2014) - Graduated from one of the hardest, accelerated and intense Ruby on Rails courses covering full-stack Ruby web development.

Trakit – A universal solution to tracking packages from multiple carriers (ie: USPS,UPS,FedEx,DHL) on one simple page utilizing GearMan for background processing.
- Built with Codeigniter,HTML5,CSS3,PHP, GearMan php extension and Linux daemon compiled from source
- Utilizes the USPS,UPS,FedEx, and DHL APIs through SOAP and XML
- GearMan daemon ran on a Raspberry Pi for portability and testing purposes

Sticky Notes – A personalized note taker that allows you to generate and use different workspaces with a dynamic Aero theme generator using Imagemagik and CSS3.
- Built with HTML5, jQuery/UI, MySQL, ImageMagik, PHP,

Happening Now – A video and slideshow stitching website that allows you to export your own videos after compiling them from Instagrams API.
- Built with Twitter Bootstrap, Ruby on Rails, jQuery, Instagram API, HTML5,CSS3,MySQL,AJAX,Apache,C++,ffmpeg(for video encoding),sidekiq
- Collaborated with fellow students in a team of 8 to complete the project in a week’s time.
- Wrote a custom gem to suit our needs that interacts with the ffmpeg executable compiled from source

jQuery,jQuery UI,AJAX,
HTML5,CSS3, Twitter Bootstrap,
Object-Oriented Programming,
3D Design


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