
Fort Wayne, IN

Position Desired

Computer Engineering
Dallas, TX; Fort Worth, TX


Summary: Highly Skilled Hardware Designer specialized in Real‐time and Embedded Systems. Looking for a fulltime job where I can leverage the knowledge and skills that I have learned in school to help your company design better systems with low power, high performance and high security.
MS in Computer Engineering Jan‐2011 to May‐2012 (Expected)
University of North Texas Denton, TX
Specialized in VLSI
Thesis Topic: VLSI Design of Random Number Generator
GPA 3.8/4.0
Related work: Verilog System design, SPICE, SPECTRE, Cadence, Schematic Design, Physical Layout Design, Virtuoso
BS in Computer Engineering December 2010
University of North Texas Denton, TX
Specialized in Real‐time and Embedded Systems,
Overall GPA 3.5/4.0, Major GPA 3.9/4.0
Related work: Electronic Circuit Design, VHDL, Verilog, Schematic Capture, Software Programming, Java, C/++, MIPS , Assembly language, Digital Logic, Circuit Analysis, MATLAB, Cadence, ModelSim, PSpice, ARM Microprocessor.
Skills Profile: Continuous and discrete time signals and systems, Computer Organization, Logic Design
of State machines, Datapaths, Controllers, ALUs, registers and more Designed for and implemented into FPGA , VHDL/Verilog and Schematics capture with Xilinx and Quartus.
Jun-2012 to Present System Engineer II
Raytheon NCS, Fort Wayne, IN
Worked with multiple DSPs in the PSC-5 and ARC-231 family radios to add built-in GPS capabilities to the radios. Wrote design documents, tests procedures, modified requirement documents for fire family related products. Designed a VHDL module for the GPS integration to the PSC-5 family radios. Worked on the IO controller FPGA in the ARC-231 radio.
May-2011 to Aug-2011 Post Graduate System Engineer Intern
Raytheon NCS, Fort Wayne, IN
Implemented the communication of a Commercial GPS receiver to work with the MBMMB military radio by using the audio port and changing the AP code of the radio using code composer studio from TI to send location (SA) in every transmission.
May‐ 2010 to Aug‐2010 Summer Intern
Computer, Clusters, and Networking Institute
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
Configure Linux Services – LDAP, DNS, DHCP, NTP, Apache, Web Server, NFS, SSH, IPTABLES, PXE and Kickstart booting, and Perceus node management tool.
Feb‐ 2010 to Dec- 2010 Research Assistant
University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Worked on variable computing implementation of various domains including military, aerospace and health monitoring. On the design of reconfigurable domain specific chips, Using VHDL to implement a low power, high performance, high security chips.
Dec‐ 2007 to Present Computer Support
University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Solve end users’ computer issues, work with PhD students so they can do their research, network management and domain controller; supported about 200 users; helped create automated ways on installing software that resulted in an increase of network performance.
Related Projects:
GPS and Radio Communication: Worked as a designer and tester. Implemented the communication of the military radio MBMMR ,designed by Raytheon, with a commercial off the self GPS receiver. Modified the microcontroller of the AP side of the radio to receive the NMEA data from the audio port after the Push-To-Talk signal was triggered. Designed cable interface to connect the Radio, GPS and Handset. Also added the receive side to ge...

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