
Princeton, WV

Position Desired

Manufacturing Engineering
Anywhere in GA; Anywhere in NC; Anywhere in SC; Anywhere in WV


To build a permanent career in a field where I have gained a very large amount of knowledge and understanding with the opportunity to venture into a different aspect of engineering, such as sales.
Conn-Weld Industries, Inc., Princeton, West Virginia 01/2008-2013
Project Engineer
• Full time employee in the mechanism department during college completion. Obtained a large amount of hands on experience and service work.
• Promotion to Plant Engineer effective immediately after graduating.
• Promotion for new project assignment to complete newly designed coal centrifuge.
• Promotion to Project Engineer to specifically design paper mill baskets/rotors.
• Promotion to Project Engineer to design top of the line vibrating screening machines.
• Maintained office work efficiently while serving as service crew lead engineer on a very large amount of road trips to troubleshoot and fix existing problems in the field.
Bluefield State College Bluefield, West Virginia ...

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