
Warwick, RI

Position Desired

Computer Engineering
Warwick, RI


University of Rhode Island
BS in Computer Engineering
Overall GPA: 3.48 / 4.00
Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society, Student VP and Webmaster
Tau Beta Pi Honor Society
SupportSpace.com (2007-2011)
SupportSpace Certified Expert
Provided tech support online as an independent consultant to the SupportSpace website, solving a variety of problems depending on customer’s situation and needs. Ranked #1 expert on the site for number of sessions completed, at 4,800+ cases as of October 2011.
RACMAN Electronic Repairs, Coventry, RI 2006-2008
Technical Support, Office Assistant
Maintained computers and components, data entry and backup, parts ordering, filing and general office work.
• PI Calculator CPU - Designed and programmed a custom computer system using VHDL and assembly on Altera FPGA board to calculate digits of pi sequentially using the Spigot Algorithm. Accurate to 4,799 places. Algorithm is easily extensible to any number of places, but bounded by hardware, particularly the size of available memory.
• LC-3 Disassembler - Programmed in assembly for the LC-3 simulator, accepts LC-3 assembly codes via user input in ASCII and disassembles them into the corresponding machine code.
• LC-3 HEX/Decimal to Binary Converter - Also in LC-3 assembly, accepts hex and decimal numbers via user input and converts them into binary equivalent.
• Simulated Intersection - Designed and built a logic circuit which would display lights in timed sequence, representing three traffic lights and one crosswalk light at a 3-way T intersection.
• Space Invaders-type Arcade Game - Programmed a simple arcade game in Java, featuring increasing difficulty, local high score boards, several cheat codes, and four enemy characters with rudimentary AI behavior.
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